acapella®DH 拍痰器
OutOfStockacapella® DH Vibratory PEP Therapy System
正壓呼吸 (PEP) 治療用來移動分泌物。 PEP 設備已經被證實可供慢性呼吸道疾病患者獨立使用,患者可隨時進行治療,無需他人輔助。
acapella® 融合了 PEP 治療和氣道振動的優勢,用以移動肺部的分泌物,而且幾乎可以以任何姿勢使用,便於患者自由移動、坐、立或斜躺。
可提高分泌物的清除率,且比胸部物理治療 (CPT) 更容易讓人忍受,相比傳統 CPT 過程*,時間減半,為患有 COPD、哮喘、囊性纖維化等分泌問題的肺部疾病患者打通氣道。 您可以通過旋轉調節旋鈕調整 acapella® 頻率和流動阻力,操作簡便。
acapella® DM & DH Vibratory PEP Therapy System features:
- Color-coded
- Blue-DM <15 lpm for 3 seconds
- Green-DH ≥15 lpm for 3 seconds
- Inspiratory Valve
- 22mm OD ambient end
- 22mm OD patient end
- Expiratory resistance dial
- Patented rocker mechanism
* Mahimeister MJ et al. “Positive-expiratory pressure mask therapy: Theoretical and Practical Considerations and a Review of the Literature”, Respiratory Care, 1991
Use of acapella® DM & DH Vibratory PEP Therapy System has many benefits, including:
- Allows inhalation and exhalation without removing from mouth
- Prolongs expiratory airflow to increase removal of secretions
- Allows use with mask or mouthpiece attachment
- Allows use with inline nebulizer when fitted with tee adapter.
- Accommodates virtually any patient’s lung capacity.
- Can be used in any position – patient is free to sit, stand or recline